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The Dark Lands (Angelbound Origins Book 5) Page 15

  I grip Happy at the waist and twist her onto her side. Lincoln does the same. We all slam onto the ground. Our momentum keeps us moving under the archway. Inches above our heads, angels fly at the gate in ever-faster barrage.

  We make it inside.

  At that moment, great snaps of metal sound. Six huge sections of gate wobble, one for each seraphim who created the structure.

  The gate tumbles over.

  “No!” I roll over to the nearest slab of fallen iron, drop the canopic jar, and smash it under my boot. Blue threads of power wind up from the container. The thin cords twist and dance in the air right above the shattered glass. Just as Trav did, I grasp the glowing threads and shove them toward the nearest stretch of gate. I even use a version of what he said to the Brimstone Legion.

  “Raise the angels! Awaken!”

  Nothing happens.

  The lava angels do one last set of swirls through the air before landing on the earth. They arrange themselves into a long row of warriors, about fifty across and stretching into the distance as far the eye can see. Moving in unison, the Brimstone Legion marches toward the front door of Black Wing Manor.

  All that stands between them and the manor are me, Lincoln, Happy, and a bunch of broken up gates. Damn.

  The Brimstone Legion stomps closer. But the lava angels aren’t the only ones who move in unison. Together, Lincoln and I rise to stand. If the Brimstone Legion starts marching now, we both know they will never stop.

  I pull out my baculum. The first line of warriors are only twenty yards away.



  “Look!” cries Happy. “The gate!”

  It’s a risk to take my gaze away from the battle, but I shoot a quick glance at the gate. It’s transforming. The blue lines of Walker’s power now wind around the fallen sections of metal. The slabs of iron shimmy, crackle, and burst. Any sign of the gate disappears. Now eight seraphim stand before us.

  And they are completely formed from metal.

  The seraphim raise their staffs high. Every rod still ends with a bird carving. The metal birds open their mouths, letting out a great series of caws. At the sound of his people, Obsidian comes rushing out of Black Wing Manor. Not sure where’s he’s been this whole time, but I’m super glad to see him now.

  “My brothers and sisters!” calls Obsidian. “We must defeat the Brimstone Legion once more.”

  That’s all Obsidian has to say. The seraphim round on the approaching army. Raising their staffs, they all murmur strange words in unison. My pulse skyrockets. The seraphim are alive. This simply has to work.

  Tendrils of red power shoot out from the seraphim staffs and roll over the Brimstone Legion. As the crimson lines encircle the lava angels, their bodies slow. Lava bright lines fade to gray.

  Lincoln pulls me against his side. “It’s working, Myla!”

  I wrap my arms around his waist. “I can’t believe it!”

  The red tendrils transform the lava angels to stone. Where once stood a crimson army, now lines of statues stretch off into the distance. With the Brimstone Legion transformed, the seraphim’s power ricochets back into their staffs and bodies. Obsidian races to stand before them. “We know how to cure you now. I won’t rest until you reawaken.”

  The red energy reenters the seraphim. Crimson light bursts around them, only this time, the seraphim aren’t changed into a gateway. Instead, they remain as they were during the battle. Eight metal statues of seraphim now peer out over a landscape covered in stone angels.

  Happy pumps her fist in the air. “We did it!”

  Obsidian strides up to me and Lincoln. For once, the seraphim is all smiles. “You got the gauntlets. Brilliant!”

  Pulling me into his arms, Lincoln spins me about before resetting me on the ground. “My girl has some serious skills.” He kisses the tip of my nose. I’m tempted to take the kiss deeper when a familiar voice sounds from the manor stairs.

  “Myla! Lincoln!”

  It’s Walker.

  My honorary older brother hobbles his way down the front steps with Jaime’s help. Walker still looks half dead, but he’s still carrying his canopic jar under his arm. Somewhere along the line, he got a loose pair of pants to wear. Jaime was probably behind that improvement. They look to be around the same size.

  Walker pauses, scanning my lower arms. “Good! You’re wearing Lucifer’s Gauntlets. Now all you need is this.” He lifts the canopic jar from under his arm.

  “We’re good. The Brimstone Legion is all rocked up again.” I make shoo fingers at him. “Get back to bed.”

  Two more figures appear at the top of the steps. Every nerve ending in my body goes on alert.

  It’s Inferno and Lucifer.

  And they both look pissed.

  Hells Bells.

  Inferno’s lava body flares more brightly. “Foolish Obsidian. You shouldn’t have stopped persuing me simply because your fellow birds let out a call. Look what I discovered after you left.” She gestures to Lucifer.

  Yeah, we see him all right. Damn.

  Lucifer strides out from the doorway. Again, his supernatural beauty is striking. Combine that with some charisma? I get why Dad said Luce could talk the cold off snow.

  “I am Lucifer, King of the Angels. I have escaped my prison and wish to finish the death duel I started so long ago. Are there any pureblood archangels here to fight me? Who accepts my challenge?”

  Little by little, Walker turns to face Lucifer. “I do.”

  I can’t have heard that right. Walker’s in no shape to battle Lucifer.

  But as always, my honorary older brother has ideas of his own. When he speaks again, Walker’s voice is loud and strong.

  “I said, I accept your challenge.”

  My mind speeds back to when I was twelve years old and entered the Arena for the first time. Is this how Walker felt when I stepped out onto the floor? Did he wonder if I was walking to my death? Perhaps he did. But I needed his strength if I would ever succeed. After so many years, I know Walker well enough to realize one thing.

  If he’s promised to fight Lucifer, then that’s what Walker will do.

  Which means only one course of action remains to me.

  I shoot him a hearty thumbs-up and call out in a loud voice:

  “Kick his ass, Walker!”

  Chapter 27

  If Lucifer hears my cry, he doesn’t show it. Instead, the King of the Angels focuses on Walker. Lucifer’s handsome face creases with confusion. “What did you say, ghoul?”

  “I am WKR-7, descendant of Aquila. I accept your challenge. But I ask first to be healed.”

  Lucifer gives one of those combination sniff-and-chuckle things that are popular with truly arrogant people everywhere. “I’m a warrior, not a medic.”

  “I didn’t ask for your help,” says Walker. “I request the aid of Myla Lewis, daughter to the archangel Xavier and my personal physician.”

  Say what?

  In that moment, I know why Walker is unique. Powerful. Brilliant. Fearless. And yes, it’s in part due to his great soul. But it’s something more. Walker’s always held so many secrets. Something tells me I’m about to discover yet another one.

  Plus, I’ve already decided to support Walker no matter what, so there’s that.

  I stroll over to Walker’s side and make a great show of eyeing him up and down. “Yes, I can fix you quite easily. But I do need my assistant.” I wave to Obsidian. “Boy! Come here!”

  Obsidian stares at me, his brows pulled low. Clearly, elaborate hoaxes are not a popular part of seraphim culture.

  Lucifer frowns. “Obsidian is your assistant’s assistant?”

  I look down my nose at Lucifer. “You’ve been locked up for two thousand years. How can you be shocked that a few social structures have changed? Dad says hi, by the way. He feels bad about tricking you into prison for a few millennia.”

  Kinda. Sorta. Not really.

  Turning, I glare at Obsidian. “Over. Here. Now.�

  Lincoln raises his hand. “I’ll help him.”

  “And who are you?” asks Lucifer.

  “I’m the assistant’s assistant’s assistant.” Lincoln grabs Obsidian by the elbow and guides him closer.

  For her part, Inferno straightens her stance. “Permission to speak.”

  Lucifer gives her a dismissive wave over his shoulder. “Granted.”

  Side note: Considering how Inferno just released his golden ass from prison, you’d think Lucifer would be a little nicer. What a dick.

  “These three are lying to you” says Inferno. “She is both Xavier’s daughter and the Great Scala. The man walking Obsidian over is her husband and King of the Thrax. Obsidian does not serve them; he’s been waiting in Black Wing Manor for two thousand years, watching over your prison.”

  Lucifer pulls his golden sword from its sheath. “Then I’ll kill them all after I cut down the ghoul.”

  Kill us all? That’s harsh. At least, Happy and Jaime have slipped off while all this went down. If nothing else, they’ll survive. That’s a comfort.

  On second thought, a comfort would be Walker taking down Captain Entitlement here. And I know just how to help him do it.

  “Get on with it,” orders Lucifer.

  Lincoln guides a very freaked-out looking Obsidian over to my side.

  “What is this?” hisses Obsidian under his breath.

  “Here’s the deal,” I say. “Do you know magnifying spells?”


  “They’re often called accelerators,” says Lincoln.

  “Yes, I do.”

  “When I put this healing mojo into Walker, I want you to put in an accelerator spell too. That way, when Lucifer hits him …” I pause, giving Obsidian a chance to catch on. It seems like he needs a moment.

  “… Walker will grow stronger, not weaker,” finishes Obsidian. “The magic won’t last long, though.”

  I shoot him a dry look. “Like that’s the worst part of this plan.”

  Walker gives me a weak smile. “Hey, I love this idea.”

  To Obsidian’s credit, now that he has the plan down, he jumps right in. Lowering his head, the seraphim murmurs an incantation. Soon his staff comes to life. The raven head carving opens its beak. Thin tendrils of red power reach out to encircle Walker.

  After dropping the canopic jar, I smash it open with my boot. Once again, threads of blue power rise from the shattered container. I scoop the energy into my hands and press it into Walker’s chest.

  Instantly, the wounds on Walker’s skin close over and heal. His color returns to its regular deathly pale. The remainder of Obsidian’s spell enters Walker as well.

  “You look ready.” Lucifer swoops his blade down. No question where Inferno learned her love of beheadings. Lucifer goes right for the neck.

  Walker crouches low, dodging the attack. I slip my baculum into his hands.

  What a total scumbag move from Lucifer, by the way. Dad told me about archangel challenges. They should begin with an official listing of the rules. After that, there’s a spell that holds everyone to those rules. Plus, Walker’s naked from the waist up and Lucifer is in full body armor. Cheap shot.

  Walker takes a pointed step further out of the range of Lucifer’s blade. “I thought this was an official challenge,” states Walker. “Aren’t you supposed to read the rules before you attack?”

  “Rules are for archangels.”

  “Then renounce this challenge. Retreat from fighting a ghoul.” Walker tilts his head, his all-black eyes fixed on Lucifer.

  Long seconds pass before Lucifer speaks again. “I choose to fight you. We shall begin by listing the official rules for the challenge. No magical weapons.” In a supreme act of dick-i-tude, Lucifer swipes his blade at Walker’s neck again.

  Walker ignites my baculum as a long sword, spins about and meets Lucifer’s strike. Sparks of angel fire erupt where their weapons meet. “How about this weapon?” asks Walker smoothly. “Acceptable?”

  Now, my father told me all about archangel challenges. Trying to kill your opponent while reading the rules is not okay.

  For a fraction of a second, Lucifer’s eyes widen. He wasn’t expecting Walker to counter his strike. Good. If I know Walker—and I do—then Lucifer isn’t expecting a lot of things.

  Lucifer leans in closer to Walker. The archangel places more pressure on where their swords meet, trying to force Walker into stumbling away. It doesn’t work. Fresh arcs of power and light pour off from the spot where their blades clash.

  “Your weapon is acceptable. Next rule. No magic spells once the battle starts.”

  “But I heal. It’s my gift from Aquila. I can hide the look of the healing taking place. However, the magic itself is part of my soul.”

  More sparks appear than ever before. Lucifer leans in even closer. His eyes narrow. “Then have your mages block the power.”

  “No. Retreat from the challenge.”

  The barest flicker of muscle appears in Walker’s neck. I know my honorary brother well enough to realize this point about healing is important.

  Lucifer simply must agree.

  But Lucifer doesn’t say a word. Instead, the archangel launches into a series of classic strikes. His golden blade swoops in high. Or goes low to take out Walker at the hip or knees. I’ve seen this tactic. Lucifer’s testing Walker’s skills. And being a creep who won’t finish reading the freaking rules.

  I cough, and it sounds a lot like ‘cheater, cheater.’

  Walker meets every assault. My heart soars. I keep shooting Walker thumbs-up, even though I doubt he can see it. That’s what he did for me.

  There’s another pause when their blades lock.

  “Your assistants cast spells before,” says Lucifer. “The magic was for accelerated healing. That won’t save you in the end, but it makes this battle more interesting. I accept the challenge and allow your power to heal.”

  Now it’s Walker’s turn to have his eyes widen a fraction. I must admit, I’m shocked as well. I thought Lucifer was spending all his time being a self-righteous dick. I had no idea he was watching what Obsidian and I were doing.

  “Agreed,” says Walker. “Cast the spell to bind our actions to the rules.”

  Now, there’s supposed to be a formal binding spell ceremony. In a surprise move, Lucifer skips that. With their blades still locked, Lucifer speaks.

  “I hereby launch the archangels’ duel. No magic other than what we’ve agreed. No weapons other than what we carry. No outside help.”

  At these words, I shoot a glance in Inferno’s direction. Sure enough, she’s scowling. Tough. No saving your boss, lady.

  “The duel ends when one of us is dead.” Lucifer grins. He so thinks he’s going to kill Walker. “And only an archangel can kill another archangel.”

  Golden light flares out from Lucifer’s body, encasing both the King of the Angels and Walker in brightness. Energy and power zing through the air. A moment later, the golden light is gone.

  The binding spell is cast.

  Lucifer launches another barrage of strikes. His blade moves so quickly, the movements are hard to follow. Walker meets every assault. Bands of worry tighten around my rib cage. Meeting attack volleys is not enough. For Walker to win, he must get on the offensive.

  Walker launches into a series of aggressive leaps and thrusts. His baculum blade slams into Lucifer’s golden weapon, over and over. At one point, Walker strikes Lucifer’s armor at the shoulder. Lines of spark and fire speed out from the spot.

  Lucifer counterattacks. His moves become so fast, everything becomes a blur. During one strike, Lucifer’s blade grazes Walker’s shoulder.

  White light bursts from the wound. The cut closes up.

  Lucifer gapes at the spot. “What was that?”

  “Aquila said the same thing once,” replies Walker. “When it became clear I inherited her gift for healing, she taught me how to hide the light.”

  Lincoln and I share a shocked
look. “Did you know light comes out of Walker’s wounds and he somehow hides it?” After all, I’ve seen Walker fight tons of times. I’ve never seen this before.

  “I did not.”

  Whoa. My honorary older brother holds so many secrets, I wonder how he keeps track of them all. If he’s been concealing this light-thing, then that must have a purpose.

  Next, Walker does the last thing I’d ever expect. He extinguishes his baculum. The move is so shocking, I’m stunned into silence. And for me, that takes a lot. Walker raises his arms out to the side. The stance makes one fact clear. Walker is helpless.

  Or maybe not.

  The way Walker keeps glaring at Lucifer, it’s more of a challenge than anything.

  Strike me.

  Lucifer doesn’t waste any time. Raising his arm, Lucifer brings down his golden sword and skewers Walker through the chest.

  For a moment, my world shatters. Walker stands before me, a golden sword piercing his sternum. Even ghouls can die from wounds like that. It’s a reflex more than anything, but I start to race toward my honorary brother. Lincoln grips my elbow, holding me back.

  “Wait,” my guy whispers in my ear. “Walker might be fine.”

  Lucifer pulls his blade out from Walker’s chest. But unlike Trav, Walker doesn’t fall to the ground. Instead, white light pours from his chest wound. Walker’s skin turns from deathly pale to something resembling alive.

  Walker is healing. Transforming. But into what?

  “This is my battle,” roars Lucifer. “You go down.”

  Swinging his blade, Lucifer pierces Walker again and again. The King of Angels strikes Walker through the shoulder, liver, you name it. Each wound lights up until Walker’s flesh heals and transforms. Soon golden light flares out from his skin. More brightness arches behind him until something appears.


  And Walker gains not just any wings, but golden wings. The sign of an archangel.

  Lucifer pauses, stunned. “What is this?”

  “My healing power comes from Aquila, not my ghoul side. So each time you hurt me, I revive as a little more archangel.”

  A strange kind of light shines in Lucifer’s eyes. It’s like he’s putting together some kind of puzzle he hadn’t detected before.